This is the second year of dry weather in October. Not good for mushrooming. Nevertheless, thanks to our fearless gatherers, we ate mushrooms at both meals over the weekend: twenty-two 'bolets' these are the 'cepe's' cousin, a little bit more 'gras' in taste than the 'cepe' but a very nice accompaniment for a 'pot au feu' or pot roast with carrots, turnips and leeks.
You know the mushroom harvest is sparse when you actually have to count how many mushrooms end up in the baskets. Sadly, no 'pied de mouton' this year - and no trompettes de la mort.
But the camaraderie makes up for any lack of mushrooms. The wine tasting helped us forget - songs and fireside stories - a visit from Madame La Comtesse - ahh! That's life at the chateau.
Rochestergirl is always glad when you safely return from mushrooming - our own Peter is very jealous that you get to do that. He's been able to go picking a type of mushroom that does not have a poisonous variety. Also glad that you got to go to the opera -- but did you see any Phantoms? Have you ever been in Box 5???