Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Snow in Normandy!

Soon we will be joining the great migration of cars returning to Paris. You'd think we'd learn the lesson after being stuck in three hour traffic jams between Paris and Versailles. In the meantime, being stuck in a traffic jam is a great time to take photos.


  1. Someone was just asking me if there was any snow that "stuck" in Normandy this year -- and here's the answer -- the New Year's Day post photo sure looks a bit like the bosky dell!
    Yes, the "Sideways" soundtrack does bring back the whole quirky, great film - we might never have seen it if you hadn't recommended it so strongly!

  2. And it's STILL a snowy landscape in Normandy - plus some light snowfall in Paris!
    Last year, I predicted Slumdog Millionaire would walk away with Oscar - this year, I don't know is Avatar on the list? If it is, it will - or should take the Oscar for best picture.
