Saturday, November 24, 2012

Virtual Black Friday Shopping

Say "No!" to Impulse Shopping. Just say "NO!" Today I decided to stay home - as far away as possible from any mall, shop, or commercial center. Of course, when your car is at the garage, it's even easier. However, if you are like me, a shopper, driven by the aesthetics of the activity, then certainly you may have been tempted to do a little cyber-shopping yesterday on Black Friday? So, for all my shopping-challenged friends, I've created a little Christmas gift of Parisian virtual shopping called Given the fact that airfares are ever-escalating, along with hotel stays, and exchange rates between the dollar and the Euro, perhaps a trip to Paris isn't affordable - but that doesn't have to stop any of us from enjoying the sights and delights of Parisian shop windows and Christmas-lit boulevards. So, enjoy a little bit of virtual shopping at!